At Kunststof-Kemi we use Colibri Colourmatch and ColourQuality. QolorMatch for colour matching and ColourQuality for daily quality control of Ultrabatch and Masterbatch.
Colibri ColourMatch is used for masterbatch matching and is a good aid for selecting which pigments, based on properties (expert system) and price, will give the best result in the final application.
If you use Ultrabatches from Kunststof-Kemi it is important that these colours are part of your ColourMatch system. If interested, you are very welcome to get a free copy of our Colorant set, which contains most LD based Ultrabatches available in our price list.
Please note that this Colorant set can ONLY be used with Colobri ColourMatch software.
To get a free copy of our Colorant set please contact us here